Why You Should Use A Sleep Diary

Why You Should Use A Sleep Diary

A sleep diary or sleep journal is a self-reflection tool that usually includes information about your sleep and other behaviours that are likely to impact your sleep quality and duration. It’s a great first step to help you learn more about how much and how well you sleep.
August 04, 2021
4 Reasons To Celebrates Valentines Day with a Weighted Blanket

4 Reasons To Celebrates Valentines Day with a Weighted Blanket

There’s a saying that you can’t buy love and hey, let’s face it. No cliché Valentines gift will ever truly capture how you feel. But you know what you can buy them? A better performance in the bedroom.
February 09, 2021
How Weighted Blankets Can Help Your Restless Legs Syndrome.

How Weighted Blankets Can Help Your Restless Legs Syndrome.

Have you ever experienced an unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation in your legs and an irresistible urge to move them? A strange feeling of vibration in your limbs that stops as soon as you move, but comes back quickly after you lie down again in bed?
January 12, 2021
Why use a weighted blanket? Anxiety, sensory input and deep touch pressure to help anxiety, stress and sleep disorder sufferers.

Why a Weighted Blanket?

Just as a newborn baby relaxes when swaddled in the days following their birth, it's been revealed that the same calming sensation generated through deep touch pressure is equally craved and desired by many children and adults as well. 
December 16, 2020